Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

tugas soft skill bahasa inggris bisnis bulan ke 1

Signature Block

The signature block appears four or five lines beneath the complimentary closing (or at a like distance below the last line of text of simplified format letters). In block and simplified letters, the signature block is flush with the left margin, while in modified and semiblock letters, the signature is usually right of center.

The signature block contains the handwritten signature of the writer, the full typed name of the writer, and the title of the writer. The company name is optional.

The company name is only needed in a signature block when the letter represents a company policy, position, or decision.

Secretaries who sign a letter for the author should sign the author's name and then add their own initials either in the middle or on the right side under the signature.

Academic titles and professional titles, when used, follow the typed name and replace Dr. or other courtesy titles preceding the name.

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